Archive for April, 2007

Our paper ‘Measuring the Emotional Impact of Websites: A Study on Combining a Dimensional and Discrete Emotion Approach in Measuring Visual Appeal of University Websites’ about the first experiment has been accepted for the DPPI 2007 conference!

After treating the instrumental qualites from Mahlke’s model, it is time to describe the non-instrumental qualites. Mahlke describes these qualities as ‘the quality aspects of an interactive system that address user needs that go beyond tasks, goals and their efficient achievement’. Over the past few years, various dimensions of non-instrumental qualities were discussed. Four of […]

The most important instrumental quality is usability; a term that is used to denote that a design is ‘good’ from a HCI point of view. Many usability tests are available to test usability aspects after development. Next to that a great amount of design guidelines and heuristics are available to design for usability. These guidelines […]