Archive for the 'Miscellaneous' Category

Our paper ‘Measuring the Emotional Impact of Websites: A Study on Combining a Dimensional and Discrete Emotion Approach in Measuring Visual Appeal of University Websites’ about the first experiment has been accepted for the DPPI 2007 conference!

It has been an exciting week and it’s only Wednesday afternoon! The time to perform the experiment is approaching. I applied for forty participants at the university today and it’s expected they will be performing the experiment in a lab in the first weeks of February. Next week I will make a post to invite […]

Happy Holidays


It has been quiet around here this week due to illness and it will also be quiet next week, but for a completely different reason… my annual ice-skating trip to Collalbo (Northern Italy).

As you may notice from the picture: it’s quite beautiful up there. The track itself lies on an altitude of 1200 meters. Twice […]

The first time I met the subject of designing for emotion thoroughly has been one-and-a-half years ago and it hasn’t left my attention since. I had to redesign an electric toothbrush ‘for emotions’ and develop a design method to do so.The method is basically about trying to recognize the emotions and social processes involved with […]


This blog is made as a diary for my master graduation assignment which is described in About: The Project
I’ve started working on the project this week and I’m currently reading the papers from the Design and Emotion Conference. Those cover an interesting variety of themes that I’m studying without making too many assumptions. That process […]