Archive for the 'Emotions in the Digital World' Category

A few weeks ago my second experiment was performed by 86 students of the University of Twente. The goal was to measure the (emotional) interaction experience of websites. In order to accomplish this, each student had to rate two different versions of a room search website.
The presented information (content) and the interaction path were the […]

We’ve just finished writing the paper for the Pleasurable Products and Interfaces’ conference, so it’s time to present some results. For now, I will post three scoring cards for the visual appeal of websites. The three websites clearly differ as the first is experienced as positive and the second as negative. The top 10 of […]

I’m currently in the middle of preparing the first experiment, with not much to show of it right now. Therefore, I want to present an interesting research by Eleanor Loiacono who developed Webqual with her colleagues: A tool to measure the quality of a website. They identified 4 categories composed of 12 constructs to predict […]

Back from a great week of ice-skating, sun, fun, food and sauna I’ll present the setup of my first experiment.
The Objective of the experiment is to determine whether the two dimensions (arousal and value) as found in Russel’s work are sufficient to describe web experience. Van Gorp translated the dimensions pleasure-displeasure and activation-deactivation into pleasant-unpleasant […]

At the moment I am preparing my first experiment in the development process of the tool. This experiment is mainly about the aesthetic appeal of the website and will be based on two previous studies. I will cover them both in short.
Attention web designers: you have 50 milliseconds to make a good first impression!
Lindgaard […]

Trevor van Gorp uses the psychological dimension of emotional states from Russell in his master thesis. In this project he uses emotion, arousal, attention and flow chaining emotional states to improve HCI.
Arousal & Performance
Arousal can be defined as the range between anxiety and boredom and is combined with the dimension of value. Positive affect promotes […]

Sylvia Tzvetanova is one of the few researchers I found that proposed a model of interface elements influencing web experience. She makes a distinction between insite factors and outsite factors. Insite factors are characteristics inside the website that may influence user’s emotion. Outsite factors are characteristics outside the website that may influence user’s emotion.
At the […]