To start with, what is it all about, Web 2.0? We all know it is hyped and has a fuzzy buzzy tone about it. A Web 2.0 definition I found at Netlash:
“The name given to the social and technical sophistication and maturity that mark the— Oh, screw it. Money! Money money money! Money! The money’s back! Ha ha! Money!”
Even though many criticise the terminology of Web 2.0, I believe it is not such a bad thing to find the right name for an existing and developing phenomenon. Web 2.0 is all about experience, or as Jared Spool mentioned at the conference The Web and Beyond: the web is not site-centric anymore, but user-centric. Where with Web 1.0, 1.5, etc. it was all about providing people with information and that was it, Web 2.0 refers to all of those sites that provide an experience. Great example a of a Web 2.0 website is Flickr.
Adaptive Path’s Brandon Schauer has identified some interesting attributes by tracking the websites that embrace Web 2.0:
“The Foundation Attributes that enable the economics of Web 2.0, such as the network effect and the Long Tail, pre-date other attributes by several years. They exist in many non-Web 2.0 services. Experience Attributes have surfaced much more recently, and these give Web 2.0 services a strongly differentiating competitive advantage: relevant, human, and surprising user experiences.”? Read the whole article in pdf from the Adaptive Path website.
Thursday the 8th of June, I also attended the conference The Web and Beyond of CHI Nederland. At this conference several interesting keynote speakers as Jared Spool, Jesse James Garrett and Steven Pemberton presented. What was interesting about this particular episode of the annual CHI Nederland conferences was that the focus was on the experiences that we have in human computer interaction. Therefore there was a close relation with the subject of designing for emotion, which is all about designing or creating great experiences with products. I was there with one of the other partners in Monito, Bas Jansen, to present our concept of the Layered Emotion Measurement Tool (LEMTool), a tool that will measure and map emotional experiences in interactive environments as websites. Such a measurement tool could be of big help to measure the emotional impact of user experiences on the Web. It will help Web 2.0 builders in their quest for the creation of great experiences on the Web. A short description on LEMTool that is provided by Monito:
To investigate the emotional impact of website interaction and the user experience, LEMTool, a web based emotion measurement tool is being developed. Gathered data will help to understand emotional experiences with the current visual and interaction design and eventually help to improve it. The tool gathers data at moments both controlled by participants as by the system.
LEMTool in short:
For more information on LEMTool, please contact Monito or .
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